Works for Piano, Flute, and Singers
This page gives examples of a number of works written specially for piano, and for my flautist wife, Jenny Gogolin. There are also translations and arrangements of major works in the Soprano repertoire, such as The Song of the Auvergne and The Seven Popular Spanish Songs created for Jenny Gogolin and Pamela Jackson-soprano.
Peter plays Butler 2020 to 2024
Piano Solo Pieces Composed and Performed by Peter Butler
Given the hiatus in concert-giving during the COVID 2020/21 pandemic, I set myself the task of composing, notating and recording a piano piece every week. I did this as a way of staying musically active, sane and focussed. It also gives me new pieces to play for my own amusement. Regardless of whether I felt inspired or not, I continued to compose, and by November there were 34 pieces, composed, notated and recorded. The one-week completion deadline was the key requirement. Even if I was unsure as to whether a piece had any merit, I forced myself to finish it off, notate it and record it all the same—then move on. My only starting point each week was to select a new key and to include all of the white and black major and minor keys in equal measure. I find that writing in different keys, because of their idiosyncratic keyboard geography, elicits different melodic contours and harmonic frameworks. These pieces filled three one hour CDs—‘Peter Plays Butler, Volumes 1 to 8. There are Nocturnes, Preludes, Rhapsodies, Passacaglias, Chaconnes, Intermezzos, Impromptus, Barcarolles, Berceuses, and Gymnopedies. A few samples of the pieces are included below.
Peter Butler plays Peter Butler Piano Pieces Volume 1 2020
Peter Butler plays Peter Butler Piano Pieces Volume 2 2020
Peter Butler plays Peter Butler Piano Pieces Volume 3 2021
Peter Butler plays Peter Butler Piano Pieces Volume 4 2021
Peter Butler plays Peter Butler Piano Pieces Volume 5 2022
Peter Butler plays Peter Butler Piano Pieces Volume 7 2023 CD cover
John Field Nocturnes complete for Flute and Piano 2005
18 nocturnes by john field arranged for flute and piano by peter butler
John Field’s Nocturnes: I wrote these transcriptions as a birthday gift for my wife Jenny Gogolin, an outstanding flautist and teacher. We performed them at a concert in Melbourne in 2005. I have made every effort to remain as faithful to the original score as possible at all times. These are pivotal works in the history of piano music. They mark the turning point between classical and romantic piano writing. Field by all accounts was a spellbinding pianist. His piano playing style heralded a new age of pianism and gives the impression of something more than the piano; a piano trio or a soloist and orchestra within the one instrument. They are widely acknowledged works of genius. No notes have been introduced in the piano accompaniment that aren’t already in the accompanimental figures and melodies of the Field originals. In that regard I hope that they are regarded as transcriptions and not arrangements, for Piano and flute. A recording of sample of the nocturnes will be available soon.
Nocturne Arrangements: 1. Molto Moderato 12/8 E Major, 2. Moderato e molto expressivo 3/8 C Minor, 3. Un poco allegretto 6/8 A Major, 4. Poco Adagio 4/4 A Major, 5. Cantabile, assai lento 12/8 B Major, 6. Andante Tranquillo Cradle Song 6/8 F Major, 7. Andante 6/8 A Major, 8. Andante spianasto 6/8 E Major, 9. Adagio 12/8 E Minor, 10. Andante con moto ‘Pastorale’ ¾ E Major, 11. Moderato 12/8 E Major, 12. Allegro ‘Rondo’ Nocturne Charatéristique ‘Noontide’ 2/4 E Major, 13. Sognante ‘Rêverie’ 3/4 C Major, 14. Lento3/4G Major, 15. Lento ‘Song without words’ 3/4 D Minor, 16. Molto Moderato 4/4 C Major, 17. Molto Moderato 4/4 C Major, 18. Molto Moderato 3/4 F Major.
Mozart Symphony No. 40 for Flute and Piano 2007
Symphony no. 40 by mozart arranged for flute and piano by peter butler
Mozart Symphony 40 for Flute and Piano: This arrangement for flute and piano includes Movements 1, 3 & 4. Every effort has been made to faithfully preserve the fullness of the original, with all of the melodic material shared between piano and flute.
The Carnival of the Animals. Saint-Saëns. Arranged for Flute and Piano 2008
carnival of the animals by saint saens arranged for flute and piano by peter butler
The Carnival of the Animals: This works was originally scored for 2 pianos and small orchestra by Saint-Saëns. He banned its performance during his lifetime since he felt nervous about the way he had sent up his fellow countrymen composers. It has since become one of the most loved works by the composer for its melodic inventiveness and sense of humour. I have written a new narration in which the speaker is Camille Saint-Saëns himself describing the many sources of inspiration in each piece. The flute and piano parts bring out all of the poignancy and brilliance of the original score.
Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION and Royal March of the Lion, 2. Hens and Roosters, 3. Hémiones(Wild Asses), 4. Tortoises, 5. The Elephant, 6. Kangaroos, 7. Aquarium, 8. Esteemed animals with Long Ears (Dogs), 9. The Cuckoo deep in the woods, 10. Birds, 11. Pianists, 12. Fossils, 13. The Swan, 14. Finale
The Magic Flute Overture arranged for Flute and Piano 2008
the magic flute overture by mozart arranged for flute and piano by peter butler
The Magic Flute - Overture: Arranged for flute with piano accompaniment by Peter Butler. This arrangement shows off the piano and flute in equal measure while retaining all of the musical sophistication of the orchestral score.
Mozart Piano Concerto K.466 Slow Movement arranged for Flute and Piano 2008
piano concerto k.446 slow movement by mozart arranged for flute and piano by peter butler
Piano Concerto K.466 – Slow Movement: Arranged for flute with piano accompaniment by Peter Butler. This famous piece begins very gently then launches into a presto middle section before finally returning to the slow opening melody. A perfect flute and piano recital encore piece.
Concert Pieces for Flute and Piano Volume 1. 2008
10 concert pieces volume 1 arranged for flute and piano by peter butler
Concert Pieces for Flute Volume 1: This volume contains many delightful arrangements for flute and piano that I have performed in concert several times with my flautist wife, Jenny Gogolin. Pieces contained in this volume: 1. Cavatina Stanley Myers, 2. Gavotte English Suite, No. 6. J.S.Bach, 3. Golliwog’s Cakewalk Claude Debussy, 4. Concerto for Viola 1st Movt. J.C.Bach, 5. Concerto for Viola 2nd Movt. J.C.Bach, 6. The Maple Leaf Rag Scot Joplin, 7. Pachelbel’s Canon Johan Pachelbel, 8. Romance Jean Sibelius, 9. Sonata K.491 Domenico Scarlatti, 10. Sonata K.492 Domenico Scarlatti.
Concert Pieces for Flute Volume 2. 2009
9 concert pieces volume 2 arranged for flute and piano by peter butler
Arrangements for Flute Volume 2: This volume contains more appealing arrangements for flute and piano that I have performed in concert several times with my flautist wife, Jenny Gogolin. Pieces contained in this volume: 1. Ballad – Peter Butler, 2. Polonaise Op 71 no. 1- Chopin, 3. Dance of Puck – Claude Debussy, 4. Ragtime Dance – Scott Joplin, 5. The Old 100th - Hymn, Pictures at an Exhibition - Mussorgsky, 6. Tuilleries, 7. Ballet of the Chicks in their shells, 8. Two Polish Jews, 9. Limoges: The Market place.
Seven popular Spanish Songs Manuel de Falla with Modern English Translations 2014
seven spanish songs by manuel de falla translated into english for soprano and piano by peter butler
Seven Popular Spanish Songs: I have created modern English translations for each of the seven songs. The translations are optimised for performance by sopranos, ensuring that there are open vowels on high notes and vowels sympathetic to the original Spanish at key points in the songs. The texts are very literal—phrase by phrase—translations. I. El Paño Moruno - The Moorish Drape, 2. Seguidilla Muciano, 3. Asturiana, 4. Jota, 5. Nana, 6. Canción, 7. Polo
The Songs of the Auvergne Series 1. Canteloube Modern English Translations 2015
Songs of the Auvergne Series 2 arranged for Piano, flute and soprano © peter butler
Songs of the Auvergne Series 2: I have created modern English translations for each of the six songs. The translations are optimised for performance by sopranos, ensuring that there are open vowels on high notes and vowels sympathetic to the original Occitan/Auvergnat at key points in the songs. The texts are very literal, phrase by phrase translations. There is a version for singer and piano alone, and a second for singer, piano and flute that includes the instrumental interlude rearranged for the flute range. 1. Pastourelle The shepherdess at the river 2. L’Antouènou Antoine, we will go to the fair. 3. La Pastrouletta e lou chibalié The shepherdess and the Knight. 4. La Delaïssádo The forsaken shepherdess 5a. Naï Pas léu de mîo I do not have a girlfriend. Flute Interlude. 5b. Lo Cahlé The quail
Songs of the Auvergne Series 1 arranged for Piano, flute and soprano © peter butler
Songs of the Auvergne: I have created modern English translations for each of the five songs. The translations are optimised for performance by sopranos, ensuring that there are open vowels on high notes and vowels sympathetic to the original Occitan/Auvergnat at key points in the songs. The texts are very literal, phrase by phrase translations. There is a version for singer and piano alone, and a second for singer, piano and flute that includes the instrumental interludes rearranged for the flute range.1. La Pastoura als camp, The Shepherdess in the field, 2. Baïlèro, Bailero, 3. L'aio de rotso The water from the spring, 4. Ound' onorèn gorda? Where shall we go to supervise?, 5. Obal, din lou Limouzi Down there in Limousin.